As we all know that walk in freezers play very important roles in any type of food business. Keep in mind that it might require you to have huge investment, but side by side keep in mind that it repairing will be more expensive. So in that case it will be better if you keep the unit well maintained so that you would need minimum repair. Other than that you have to maintain the appliance well maintained that will help you to make it energy efficient. So yes, here in this article we are discussing about tips that will help you to make your walk in freezer energy efficiency.
1. Opt to Have an Energy Efficient Design:
People who are setting up a new walk in freezer for their food business should be very careful about its design. Basically design had a great impact on making the unit energy efficient. Other than that, keep in mind that the size of the walk in freezer also matters a lot. So always prefer to opt for an energy efficient design of the walk in freezer that will enable you to lock the internal cool air within the unit. This will definitely help you a lot to save huge amount of money on overall use of energy by the unit. Actually commercial walk in freezer cost is too high so its better to keep it well maintained.
2. Maintain Walls, Walk in Freezer Room:
Another thing about which you have to be very careful while using the freezer room is discolouration of food. Keep in mind that this might be the first warning signal that freezer room will show you. It will indicate that there is something wrong with the performance of equipment. There might be some of the structural damage or cracks present on the walls or ceiling of walk in freezer. That might be becoming reason of low performance of freezer room. Other than that, you must look out for mould or decay, or other types of signs as well for analysing potential issues.
3. Maintain the Freezer Panels of the Unit:
Another thing that matters a lot and help you to make the unit energy efficient is its freezer panels. Basically, these panels are helpful in maintaining temperatures and hold cool air within the unit. That will automatically help you to decrease the use of energy and enable you to save huge amount of money by decreasing energy bills. So yes, you should prefer to connect these panels along with tongue-in-groove and multi-gaskets from both sides. That will help you to increase the energy efficiency of the unit. Actually, this type of connection of tongue-in-groove will enable you to get multiple layers of sealing at its panel seam.
4. Keep the Walk in Unit Well Cleaned:
Another thing that you can do for improving the performance of your walk in freezers is to keep it clean and sanitized. So that you would maintain the food standards in your business. Other than that you should always try to keep all the products covered because there are so many ingredients that can become acidic when combined with air or moisture. So in that case, storing them covered will help you to improve the performance of freezer room and keep other items safe and secure from contamination. Other than that there are times when these acidic reactions start attacking metal in the coils, walls and piping of walk in freezer that can directly impact on the performance and efficiency of walk in freezers.