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5 Tech Trends To Accelerate Your Website Speed in 2020

Writer: Dorian wrightDorian wright

The speed of your website is basically the first impression that a user or anyone interacting without your website takes away from it. It is important to know that there will be no second chance in this matter, if a prospective buyer, client or user finds your ‘existence online’ to be slow and unreliable then that is the impression that they will take about your brand as well. A website with low speed is without a doubt one of the most infuriating things that a user can experience and it is a very probable turn off for most of the people.

It is for sure a fact that a high performing website will automatically give off a much better impression and will automatically result in the website performing better in terms of its user growth, returned visits, engagement on the website as well as where the website ranks on the search engines.

1. Simplicity Goes A Long Way

When designing your website, please know that simple design that is easy to interact with and makes it easy for the user to manoeuvre around the website is the best possible design decision that you can make. Simple designs not only lead to better user experience in terms of how they go about your website, but a simple design also helps in better loading time of pages as well as the overall loading of your website on a user’s desktop or mobile.

2. The Right Hosting Is Important

Many people neglect the host where the website server is setup and ironically this is where most of the data and security issues along with website loading issues occur. Make sure to hire hefty and good web hosting services for your website in order to stop major issues to occur with your website.

3. Small Pages But More Pages

It is important to know that keeping every page on your website small in terms of its content is important to have a high loading speed. It is better to have more pages than pages with a lot of information, this helps with not only the website loading speed but also helps in search engine optimization.

4. Resize Media On Your Website

Most websites nowadays are highly based on media, ranging from images, gifs, 3D animation artwork or just plain videos. It is important to know the more media you have on a page the longer it takes to load. So, in order to keep the loading time to a minimum make sure that you optimize these media and resize to a level where the quality remains at the possible best and the size becomes small.

5. Remove Unnecessary Plugins

Plugins take a huge part of the server where your website is hosted, plugins are like apps on the backend of your website playing many roles to ensure the betterment of your actual website that your users see, however, it is important to know that plugins are large in size and do take up a lot of data processing power. So, make sure to remove any unnecessary plugins that might be installed on your website’s backend to increase the overall website speed.


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