The pandemic has made us realize that more than 70% of the tasks can complete at home. The traditional way of taking the exam and tests cannot fulfill in this situation. Moreover, we should use the digital platform and also experience these new and advanced technologies. Online exam saves our time, effort and is less expensive than the on-sight exams.
To conduct an online exam, you only need to buy software that has the feature of taking online exams. Many schools are using the famous school exam management system for conducting online exams. For the successful completion of exams, you need to implement the five steps carefully.
1. Registration:
The first and foremost step in conducting the favorable online exam center is that you need to get all of the students to register. Set out eligibility criteria for the students to appear in the online exam. The form should contain specific fields asking for information like name, father’s name, CNIC, age, educational qualification. Let the students submit a passport size picture and required documents.
Ask the candidates to provide with an authenticate email id and password. You also need to clarify the payment methods that if you are asking for an online fee or the candidates can submit it in the specific banks. All the necessary information like exam mode, curriculum, test schedule, and exam timings need to clarify in the registration process.
2. Allot Hall Tickets:
After the registration process, you need to give hall tickets to the verified candidates. The verified candidates can select which time suits them better and can then download their hall tickets. If students didn’t choose any specific time slot, then it will be automatically generated for them. Students can print the hall ticket. Clarify all the rules and regulations of attempting the inline exam.
3. Online Study Material or Paper Pattern
As an online testing center, you need to provide a sample paper to your candidates explaining what kind of questions they need to prepare and what will be the total number of queries. You can also provide them with study material to make it easy for them. Upload all the documents and all the detail of the subjects. Study material and e-notes will help students practice well.
4. Question Paper Generation:
The most crucial part of conducting an online exam is the question paper. You need to consider the mode of the exam to generate a suitable question paper. Make sure you are giving appropriate questions. Use multiple-choice, true-false, answer questions, and matrix match.
5. Exam Security:
Many people complain that there is no reliability in conducting an online exam. That’s why you need to take measures to ensure the security of exams. Use a secure browser technology or exam proctoring with images and videos. The candidate will prevent to open another tab and window.
An online exam is a complex process, but with different techniques, it can be useful. The essential factor of the online exam is security.