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How Students Can Effectively Learn at Home during Lockdown

Writer: Dilawar MustafaDilawar Mustafa

Almost all the students are used to study inside their classroom, yet most likely not to ‘distance learning. Studying at home might require a lot of modifications, so it is advisable to have a few practical tips. These tips will help you make a shift from classrooms to study at home as simple as possible. So, have a look at the following approaches to help students learn effectively at home during a lockdown

Stay In Contact with Your Class Fellows and Teachers

Nearly everybody will keep in contact with their family or friends via Zoom, Skype, or some other ways of communication. Yet, remember you can likewise keep in touch with your class-fellows studying the same course like you via different platforms. For example, email, social media, voice calls, video calls, and so on. It is also possible that your teachers will be available online, so you can reach them if you have any questions or feel any difficulty.

Additionally, schools must make use of different software for proper communication among students, teachers, and parents. School software cost is usually very reasonable and schools can afford these tools quite easily.

Your Study Space Must Be Well-Organized

The home environment of everyone differs from others, so it is hard to make strict rules regarding study space. Notwithstanding, there are a few simple rules about study space that apply to the majority of the students. You need to keep your study area clean, decluttered, and well-organized. This will assist you in staying peaceful both mentally and physically. Moreover, chances of losing various things would also be lesser. You can likewise change your study area to add some variety. However, try not to work while lying down or when you’re in an uncomfortable position.

Try To Avoid Any Kind of Distractions

For effective learning at home during the lockdown, it is essential to minimize all kinds of distractions. Procrastination is the biggest enemy of students and it becomes extremely dominating when studying at home during the lockdown. There are different distractions such as games, social media, Netflix, and much more. So, you need to keep your mobile some distance away making it immediately unreachable. Try to utilize it as a treat after accomplishing a specific task instead of as a constant partner.

Create A Daily as Well as Weekly Schedule

At home, it is usually very easy to get into a circumstance where work and relaxation become indistinct. There is no difference in the environment, school bus, school bell, or anything indicating a difference in action. Consequently, work can fall into relaxation time and relaxation can fall into times when you have to be studying. To limit these issues, create a daily and weekly schedule.

Divide your lessons into smaller portions for effectively learning at home. However, don’t forget to add regular breaks to your timetable, especially a lunch break or any healthy activity. Make a list of tasks you need to accomplish and afterward perform your tasks accordingly.

Consider Your Most Effective Learning Approaches

The mode of learning of every student differs from the other. So, it is extremely important to consider which method is the most suitable for you. If you take notes that you think would be helpful for you later, it is recommended to implement the Cornell strategy. This includes dividing a page into a large column, a small column, and a space at the bottom of the page.

Utilize the large column for main points, a small column for keywords or headings, and space at the bottom for a general outline. This method permits you to test yourself effectively. Moreover, this method of taking notes lets you comprehend what you are actually studying.


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