If there is another name for the exam, it would be “felling stressed 24/7”. During exam time, everyone is up on their heels because we want to give it our best shot and score with flying colors. But with stress, we come up with making dumb and silly mistakes, which affects on our marks and enthusiasm.
Exam is all about time management and of you being in order. You can only outclass yourself when you are in order of things. Don’t fret mistakes are normal things. You will make them; it is a part of our nature. You only want to make sure that you make them less than other people. That’s why we are at your service as you have brought the five most common and frequent mistakes to avoid during exams.
1. Cramming on the Night of Exam:
First thing first, you need to make a schedule before at least a month before your exams. Take my recommendation and always remember that cramming before the night of the paper is not such a great idea. You have to plan your revision thoroughly. School examination management system is here to guide you through the upcoming exams and subjects. Prioritize your courses based on date, difficulty level, and importance.
2. Not Reading The Question Properly:
Here is the most classic mistake in the exam that students commonly made. They will blindly answer the question without even reading it in the first place. It usually happens when you are afraid you will run out of time, or when the question paper is so easy, that in your excitement you forgot to read the question. Trust me, it happens.
3. Always Write A Detailed Answer:
It is the mindset of numerous students that if your answer is short, then it is the wrong answer. They try to make their answer longer by adding extra and unwanted things. Often the instructor only wants a keyword to give you scores. Telling stories and writing 2 to 3 pages of answers is not the correct way of attempting the exam. You only need to answer to the point.
4. Time Management:
If you haven’t manage your time, then you can do attempt your exam accurately. Sometimes students tend to start the paper slowly, thinking they have all the time in this world but end up getting lost in it. Time management is an essential part of attempting the exam. You need to divide your time based on the number each question has.
5. Check Your Work Before Submitting:
Reading your exam before submitting will save you from a lot of embarrassing mistakes. It is crucial to read out all the answers as well as questions that you have attempted. By reading, you can find small and silly mistakes that you ignored while writing.
The last thing is, whatever happens, do not panic. Pure panic is the cause we end up making a fool out of our self.