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5 Contributions of School Principal in Financial Management

Writer: Dilawar MustafaDilawar Mustafa

The principal is the highest member of the administration in any school. A principal is in charge of all the risky operations of the school. By having a duty of this magnitude, a principal requires to be active and updated with the ongoing situation of the school. Many schools have facilities of having an administration management system so that it is easy to handle all the matters and other tasks.

Being a principal, it is your responsibility to keep a record of all the financial tasks. Principals are essentially the manager of the school and have various duties that you have to fulfill. Below are the five contributions that a principal you need to take part in the formation of them.

1. School budgets:

It includes one of the duties of a principal to form and develop the school budget. A principal is the head of an institution, and no one can know better about a school than its principal. The principal must record all the expenditures and take care of all the expenses that a school needs to spend. Every school has its unique way of developing the school budget. The budget is vital, and it helps a school achieve its goals.

2. Fundraising:

Fundraising is an ideal method and a useful way that allows different communities to contribute to the growth of the school. A principal is often responsible for all the financial activities of the school. The principal has to monitor all the funds. Make sure that all these funds are for the benefit of the school. Make sure that by being a principal, you have to inform the parents and the staff beforehand. Remember that you have to follow the guidelines of the school before conducting any fundraising.

3. Analyzing expenditure:

For the prosperity of the institution, a principal must track all the expenses of the school. A principal should contribute to analyzing the school expenses and track that no one is mismanaging the resources of the school. The principal should check all the revenue resources as well as expenditure regularly. Keep track of all the activities and ensure that the school resources are following the school development plan.

4. Establish procedure:

Having a set of rules is crucial in all institutions. Without the procedures and regulations, any institute will be prone to failure. Being a principal, it is your responsibility to know that everyone is following the set rules and procedures. No one is avoiding financial management as well as everything that you hand out to the staff is recording and noting all the information.

5. Salaries:

As a principal, you should make sure that every teacher's salary is following their qualification as well as their duties. You need to set measurers based on the education of teachers, level, and experience. A principal should be active on all these terms, and you also need to keep a file that will have all the essential information of the teachers.

The job of a principal is hectic and daunting, and they have to be an all-rounder in the school.


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