Undisciplined and obstreperous students are one of the biggest problems that teachers need to tackle. No one likes to deal with discipline issues. But like it or not, being a teacher, discipline issues comes within the territory. Discipline problems are challenging for new as well as veteran teachers. Discipline problems can quickly get out of hand if you do not take care of them right from the start. What you need is a practical discipline plan combined with good classroom management to keep the problems at bay. Know that classroom management goes hand-in-hand with classroom discipline. Below we have jotted down the five adaptable ideas that can help you in managing your class.
1. Keep students engage:
It is often problematic for the teacher when the student feels like they have nothing else to do. Another smart idea is to engage students in activities and other tasks as much as you can so that they do not find the time to create disruption. Use a digital platform to do work efficiently. For example, you can use an online student attendance management system so that you will not waste your time on this task. Make sure you have arranged a small activity to keep the student busy while you prepare the board or take attendance. Do not let the student feel like you are not paying attention to them. Make the students realize that you are watching and taking notes of their activities.
2. Be organized:
The student will judge as you enter the class that you prepare for the lecture or not. So it is advisable to maintain your calm and be organized for the whole classroom. It is a fact that disorganization often can cause a hassle in the classroom. Always plan your lesson before you go into the class. Keep a log with yourself so that you know which chapter you have to teach and which was the previous diary.
3. Tackle small issues:
Small discipline issues ignite the fire to the sizeable issues. If you ignore the problems when they are small, then it is more than likely that they will disturb you afterward. You cannot skip the small issues because your students will take you lightly. If you want something disturbing, deal with it right from the start. If you tackle the problems when they are small, you can keep them from getting larger.
4. Establish a structure:
Having a structure or procedure for everything gives birth to a disciplined classroom and obedient students. You need to craft a technique through which students can ask their queries. A structured environment will lead to a productive classroom space.
5. Be consistent:
Another thing that can guarantee discipline in the classroom is consistency. If you are strict one day and lenient the other day, then this technique will not fit. Make sure you are treating each student equally, and you have a zero-tolerance policy for your students. Appreciate the positive behavior and punish bad behavior.