From every parent to the policymakers, every individual is worries about the student retention. The student retention is a process of ensuring student success or graduation. Always remember that a high student retention rate provides a crucial metric for success. There are several factors that affects student retention. These includes students background, organizational characteristics, environment and most importantly student effort and cognitive development.
Since the economic is downturned, the graduation rates have dropped. Only few of the education professionals know how to address this issue effectively. Firstly, you need to make your education system strong and updated. Academic management system plays a vital role in this situation. From the teachers till the syllabus designers, every member of academic system should focus on the student academics. Before taking any step, always know the current rate of student retention.
Many of the institutes invest their time and money to know the rate of retention. To boost the student retention, in this article, few interesting and effective activities are mentioned below:
1. Online Forum:
The significant rise of social media has made the world more connected. Always remember that not all the students are same. Some participate in classroom and some remain quite in lectures. You can provide access to online forums to students. In this way, they can continue their learning at their own pace. Students will develop interest in their studies when they know new things.
2. Group Projects:
There can be many reasons of dropping out from the school or college. But when a student start involving with other, it will be difficult to drop out. Group projects are always beneficial. In group projects, every individual starts knowing each other. And when different minds come together, a creative and a productive thing comes out.
3. Motivational Sessions:
Arranging any motivational session is not really productive. To improve student retention, you need to know students’ interest. Involve the students in the arrangement of session, in this way they take interest in the session. In the end of the session, the question and answer session digs about the students’ mind and get the feedback.
4. Project Exhibition:
This is one of the most effective and interesting activity. Students can take any topic of any course according to their interest. They invest time and interact with the respective teacher to come up with a presentable project for the exhibition day. Moreover, while explaining their project to the other students, alumni, teachers and faculty they build confidence. Moreover, this is the best way to interact with alumni which improves the retention.
5. Promote App Usage and Social Media Platforms:
According to research, social media like Facebook has great impact on students. Similarly, the global rise of smartphone use provides platform to leverage in their attempts to boost student retention. So, you can provide tasks and involve students through apps and on different platform. Showcasing the achievements on social media platform really improves the retention.
6. Conclusion:
It is one of the biggest topics in education system. Student’s interest in education and motivation towards doing the best are two pillars of improving students’ retention.Teachers and school management should involve parents in all the activities of school.
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